Pledge for Sustainable Dentistry

Our Pledge to deliver Sustainable Oral Health

Oral healthcare is essential for overall health, well-being and quality of life.  This needs to be delivered ethically, with high levels of quality and safety and be environmentally sustainable.  In this way, the healthcare opportunities of current and future generations are respected and protected by actively minimizing negative environmental impacts.

Climate change, pollution and loss of biodiversity are problems that affect everyone, including you, your family and friends.  There is an urgent need for the oral healthcare profession to acknowledge responsibility for its impact and ensure high-quality, environmentally sustainable care for all.

Our Pledge

This pledge is on behalf of all members of the dental profession and supporting industry willing to support environmental sustainability within oral healthcare.  We have a clear responsibility to engage with, commit and contribute to global, national and local efforts to mitigate the impact of oral healthcare on the environment.  

Through this pledge we recognize the need to align the combined efforts of the oral healthcare sector to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The oral healthcare sector, working in alignment with the UN SDG targets, aims to promote patient-centred care through a circular economy that will achieve effective oral health for all and a healthier planet.

As members of the oral healthcare sector, we pledge to deliver sustainable oral healthcare through the following actions:

Increase awareness

  • Make a clear and public commitment to improving environmental sustainability in oral healthcare.
  • Communicate to all parties the need to understand, learn and promote sustainable actions.
  • Identify opportunities to promote informative messages.
  • Promote oral health and disease prevention as the most impactful route to environmental sustainability.

Promote ‘reduce and recycle’ solutions

  • Promote a reduced need for and use of resources through the delivery and maintenance of good oral health.
  • Improve waste management strategies that will enable recycling wherever possible.
  • Identify recycling opportunities at all levels of the supply chain.
  • Recycle single use plastics, wherever safe and possible, to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and encourage a circular economy.
  • Encourage and promote a ‘reduce and recycle’ mindset for all forms of packaging.

Promote sustainability as a collective responsibility

  • Collaborate for a shared vision of a sustainable future.
  • Identify ways of working together to drive a sustainable circular economy.
  • Work with legislative authorities to resolve barriers to sustainable solutions.
  • Acknowledge and promote the value of cumulative individual actions.
  • Support sustainability champions in all sectors.

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

  • Reduce the generation of greenhouse gasses associated with the provision of oral healthcare. 
  • Adopt the use of clean renewable energy with a reduced reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Seek to minimize the carbon emissions in all processes.
  • Explore smart procurement and distribution options.
  • Compensate for unavoidable carbon emissions wherever possible.

Harnessing science, technology and innovation…to achieve SDGs

  • Implement a collaborative research ethos that drives sustainable solutions.
  • Transition towards the use of renewable energy.
  • Identify and adopt digital technologies that enable sustainable solutions at all stages of the supply chain, including patient care digital workflows.


The pledge addresses the themes identified in the FDI Consensus Statement

The ‘Sustainability Toolkit for dental practices’ provides a framework and mechanism for general dental practitioners to engage with sustainability actions and provide solutions with recognized FDI accreditation

Notre engagement pour une santé bucco-dentaire durable

Les soins de santé bucco-dentaire sont essentiels à la santé générale, au bien-être et à la qualité de vie. Ils doivent être fournis de manière éthique, avec de hauts niveaux de qualité et de sécurité, tout en garantissant le respect de l’environnement. Ainsi, les ressources en matière de soins de santé des générations actuelles et futures sont respectées et protégées en minimisant activement les impacts environnementaux négatifs.

Le changement climatique, la pollution et la perte de biodiversité sont des problèmes qui touchent tout le monde, y compris vous, votre famille et vos proches. La profession de santé bucco-dentaire doit de toute urgence reconnaître la responsabilité de son impact et assurer des soins de haute qualité et écologiquement durables pour tous.

Notre engagement

Cet engagement est pris au nom de l’ensemble des membres de la profession dentaire et du secteur souhaitant soutenir la durabilité environnementale dans le domaine des soins bucco-dentaires. Nous avons une véritable responsabilité de nous engager et de contribuer aux efforts mondiaux, nationaux et locaux pour réduire l’impact des soins bucco-dentaires sur l’environnement.  

Par cet engagement, nous reconnaissons le besoin d’aligner les efforts combinés du secteur de la santé bucco-dentaire sur les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 des Nations unies. Œuvrant en conformité avec les cibles des ODD des Nations unies, le secteur de la santé bucco-dentaire vise à promouvoir des soins centrés sur les patients à travers une économie circulaire qui permettra d’atteindre une santé bucco-dentaire efficace pour tous et une planète plus saine.

En tant que membres du secteur de la santé bucco-dentaire, nous nous engageons à fournir des soins bucco-dentaires durables en accomplissant les actions suivantes :

Renforcer la sensibilisation

  • S’engager clairement et publiquement à améliorer la durabilité environnementale dans le domaine des soins bucco-dentaires.
  • Communiquer à toutes les parties la nécessité de comprendre, d’apprendre et de promouvoir des actions durables.
  • Identifier les opportunités de soutenir des messages d’information.
  • Promouvoir la santé bucco-dentaire et la prévention des maladies comme la voie la plus efficace vers la durabilité environnementale.

Réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre

  • Réduire la production de gaz à effet de serre liée à la prestation de soins bucco‑dentaires. 
  • Adopter l’utilisation d’énergies propres et renouvelables en limitant la dépendance aux combustibles fossiles.
  • Chercher à minimiser les émissions de carbone dans l’ensemble des processus.
  • Explorer des options d’approvisionnement et de distribution intelligentes.
  • Compenser dès que possible les émissions de carbone inévitables.

Soutenir les solutions « réduire et recycler »

  • Soutenir une réduction du besoin et de l’utilisation des ressources par la prestation et le maintien d’une bonne santé bucco-dentaire.
  • Améliorer les stratégies de gestion des déchets de façon à pouvoir recycler le plus possible.
  • Identifier les opportunités de recyclage sur tous les maillons de la chaîne d’approvisionnement.
  • Recycler le plastique à usage unique dès que cela est possible et sans danger afin de réduire la dépendance aux combustibles fossiles et de favoriser l’économie circulaire.
  • Encourager et promouvoir une philosophie « réduire et recycler » pour toutes les formes d’emballages.

Exploiter la science, la technologie et l’innovation pour atteindre les ODD

    • Instaurer un esprit de recherche collaborative en faveur de solutions durables.
    • Passer à l’utilisation d’énergies renouvelables.
    • Identifier et adopter les technologies numériques favorisant des solutions durables à tous les niveaux de la chaîne d’approvisionnement, y compris dans les flux numériques de soins aux patients.

    Soutenir la durabilité en tant que responsabilité collective

    • Collaborer sur une vision commune d’un avenir durable.
    • Identifier les moyens de travailler ensemble pour stimuler une économie circulaire durable.
    • Travailler avec les autorités législatives pour éliminer les obstacles aux solutions durables.
    • Reconnaître et défendre la valeur des actions individuelles cumulatives.
    • Soutenir les exemples à suivre en matière de durabilité dans tous les secteurs.

    Notes de bas de page/signalisation

    Cet engagement aborde les sujets identifiés dans la Déclaration de consensus de la FDI (lien de référence).

    La « plateforme de durabilité de la FDI » fournit un cadre ainsi qu’un mécanisme aux chirurgiens-dentistes et à leurs équipes pour s’engager en faveur d’actions durables et apporter des solutions reconnues par la FDI (lien de référence).

    Nuestro compromiso para proporcionar una salud bucodental sostenible

    La salud bucodental es esencial para la salud general, el bienestar y la calidad de vida. Por eso, es necesario proporcionar una atención bucodental ética, con unos elevados niveles de calidad y seguridad, y de manera que sea sostenible para el medioambiente. De este modo, se respetan y se protegen las oportunidades en materia de atención sanitaria de las generaciones actuales y futuras al minimizar activamente los efectos negativos para el medio ambiente.

    El cambio climático, la contaminación y la pérdida de la biodiversidad son problemas que afectan a todo el mundo, incluidos nosotros mismos, nuestra familia y amigos. Hay una necesidad urgente de que los profesionales de la atención bucodental admitan su responsabilidad respecto a los efectos que provocan y garanticen una atención sostenible, de alta calidad y respetuosa con el medioambiente para todo el mundo.

    Nuestro compromiso

    Este compromiso se produce en nombre de todos los miembros de la profesión dental en conjunto y del sector que la respalda que están dispuestos a apoyar la sostenibilidad medioambiental dentro del sector de la atención bucodental. Tenemos una responsabilidad clara en lo que se refiere a participar, comprometernos y contribuir en los esfuerzos a escala mundial, nacional y local a fin de mitigar los efectos de la atención bucodental en el medioambiente.

    Con este compromiso, reconocemos la necesidad de alinear los esfuerzos combinados del sector de la atención bucodental con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas y la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible. El sector de la atención bucodental, trabajando en conformidad con las metas de los ODS de las Naciones Unidas, aspira a promover una atención centrada en el paciente mediante una economía circular que permitirá conseguir una atención bucodental eficaz para todo el mundo y un planeta más sano.

    Como miembros del sector de la atención bucodental, nos comprometemos a proporcionar atención bucodental mediante las siguientes acciones:

    Aumentar la sensibilización

    • Adquirir un compromiso claro y público para mejorar la sostenibilidad medioambiental en la atención bucodental.
    • Comunicar a todas las partes la necesidad de entender, aprender y promover acciones sostenibles.
    • Identificar oportunidades para difundir mensajes informativos.
    • Promover la atención bucodental y la prevención de enfermedades como la manera más eficaz para alcanzar la sostenibilidad medioambiental.

    Reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero

    • Reducir la generación de gases de efecto invernadero asociados con la prestación de atención bucodental.
    • Usar cada vez más energías renovables limpias y depender en menor medida de los combustibles fósiles.
    • Intentar minimizar las emisiones de carbono en todos los procesos.
    • Explorar opciones de adquisición y distribución inteligente.
    • Compensar las emisiones de carbono inevitables cuando sea posible.

    Promover soluciones de reducción y reciclaje

    • Promover una menor necesidad y un menor uso de recursos al prestar y mantener una buena salud bucodental.
    • Mejorar las estrategias de gestión de residuos que permitirán reciclar cuando sea posible.
    • Identificar las oportunidades de reciclaje en todos los niveles de la cadena de suministro.
    • Reciclar los plásticos de un solo uso, donde sea posible y seguro, para reducir nuestra dependencia de los combustibles fósiles y alentar una economía circular.
    • Alentar y promover una mentalidad en la que se aspire a reducir y reciclar los envases en todas sus formas.

    Potenciar la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación para alcanzar los ODS

    • Implementar una ética de investigación colaborativa que derive en soluciones sostenibles.
    • Hacer una transición hacia el uso de energías renovables.
    • Identificar y utilizar tecnologías digitales que permitan poner en práctica soluciones sostenibles en todas las etapas de la cadena de suministro, incluidos los flujos de trabajo digitales de la atención a los pacientes.

    Promover la sostenibilidad como un asunto de responsabilidad colectiva

    • Colaborar para lograr una visión compartida en aras de un futuro sostenible.
    • Identificar maneras de trabajar conjuntamente para avanzar en una economía circular sostenible.
    • Trabajar con las autoridades legislativas para superar los obstáculos a las soluciones sostenibles.
    • Reconocer y promover el valor de la suma de las acciones individuales.
    • Apoyar a quienes lideran los esfuerzos en materia de sostenibilidad en todos los sectores.

    Notas a pie de página/señalización 


    El compromiso aborda los temas identificados en la Declaración de Consenso de la FDI (REF link).

    La Plataforma de Sostenibilidad de la FDI ofrece un marco y mecanismo para los profesionales dentales generalistas y sus equipos a fin de participar en acciones de sostenibilidad y ofrecer soluciones con acreditación reconocida de la FDI (REF link).

    I pledge for Sustainable Dentistry

    Yumna Teladia, Dental Hygienist, South Africa

    Morten Harry Rolstad, Secretary General, Norwegian Dental Association

    Heming Olsen-Bergem, President, Norwegian Dental Association

    Mauricio Montero, Vice President, Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica

    Dra. Carol Calvo Domingo, Secretary, Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica

    Mauricio García, Director, Federación Odontológica Colombiana

    María Fernanda Atuesta, President, Federación Odontologica Colombiana

    Giancarlo Couch, International Relations, Associazione Italiana Odontoiatri

    Ansam Lahrizia , Internship Dentist, Morocco

    IRAHIBEREYE Patrick, University of Rwanda, Student, Rwanda

    Dr Piyush Chaudhary, BBD UNIVERSITY, Assistant Professor, India

    Miljana Petrović Punoševac, Dentistry of Primary Health Care, President, Serbia

    Raeesa Mahomed, Private Dentist, South Africa

    David Keerthan, Student at Government Dental College and Hospital, Hyderabad, India

    Doctor Roma, Wikins MaxFax Centre, Afghanistan

    Dr. Wakil Muhammad Wikins, Wikins MaxFax Center, General Dentist, OMFS Consultant, Afghanistan

    Passant Hafez, Ministry of Health and Population, Dental specialist, Egypt

    Sausan Al Kawas, University of Sharjah, Vice Dean and Professor, United Arab Emirates

    Katyayanee Sharma, AIIMS Jodhpur & IIT Jodhpur, Postgraduate student, India

    Dr Shalya Anand, iAssisT.Health, Proprietor, Health care Consultant, Netherlands

    Hasan Jamal, MSc., MSc., ClinDentPaed., MRCSEd, Paediatric Dentist, Saudi Arabia

    Rosemary Shinkai, University of São Paulo, Researcher, Brazil

    Tamás Demeter, Semmelweis University Faculty of Dentistry, Assistant lecturer, Hungary

    Gerhard Konrad Seeberger, AIO Italian Dental Association, President-elect, Italy

    Rodolphe Acker, private clinic, France

    Adhita Dharsono, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran, Head of Endodontic Postgraduate Study, Indonesia

    Dr. Sara Dean, Dentist, United States

    Dr. Melonie MacDonald, Citadel Dental, Owner/dentist, Canada

    Camille D'Halluin, Dentsply Sirona, Marketing Manager Endodontics, Switzerland

    Mihaela CRISAN, Dentsply Sirona, Head of Communications, France

    Christina Deininger, Dentsply Sirona, Senior Global Brand Activation Manager, Austria

    Deepa Gurunathan, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Associate Dean of Research, India

    Dr George Tsakos, Chair, Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe, Belgium

    Janvi Wadhwa, BDS student, India

    Mr Monuj Saikia, Sarupathar FPC, India

    Sujitha K, Sreerams Dental Care, Managing Director, India

    Rosemary Shinkai, University of São Paulo, Researcher, Brazil

    Sarah Mayer, Dentsply Sirona, Corporate Communications Manager, Germany

    Dr. Wakil Muhammad Wikins, Wikins MaxFax Center, Director, Afghanistan

    Fiona Ellwood, Society of British Denral Nurses, Executive Director, United Kingdom

    Oluwagbenga Asalu, The Beacon Health Initiative, President, Nigeria

    Dr Osama oss Adam, National dental association of Somalia, President, Somalia


    Rabi, Association Marocaine de prévention bucco-dentaire, Présidente, Morocco

    Adriana Chavarria, Práctica privada, Regente, Costa Rica

    Muhammad Farrukh Habib, National University of Medical Sciences, Trainee, Pakistan

    Alice Daniela Picado Villegas, CCSS, Dentist, Costa Rica

    Dr Chye Chuan Hee Kelvin, Asia Pacific Dental Centre, CEO, Singapore


    Carolina villalba, Aprendiendo a Volar, Secretary, Argentina

    Leon H Prentice, SDI Limited, Chief R&D Officer, Australia

    Vishnu Unnikrishnan, SDI, Research & Development Scientist, Australia

    Paul Farrar, SDI Limited, R&D Manager, Australia

    Ferruccio Berto, ANDI, Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani, NLO, Italy

    Angela Rovera, National Association of Italian Dentists (ANDI), National Secretary, Italy

    Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Professor, India

    Dr. Muya Mgaza, Tanzania Dental Association, Member of the management committee, Tanzania

    Hager Abdelazize, Egyptian ministry of health, Dental public health specialist, Egypt

    Michiel Lieshout, TPL, Dentist, Netherlands

    AKWUE ANTHONIA ODINAKA, Tonia dental& medical care specialist, Dental technologist, Nigeria

    Kelvin Chye, Asia Pacific Dental Holdings, CEO, Singapore

    Bazard Seevlay, Road to smile, President, Haiti

    Nandha Prasath, Own practice, Dentist, India

    Dr Gajanan Bhosale, SmilePlus Dental Clinic, Dentist, India

    Dr. Anam Ahmed, University Dental College, Associate Professor (Department of Dental Public Health), Bangladesh

    Lorna Celia Carneiro, School of Dentistry, Muhimbili University of health and Allied Sciences, FACULTY, Tanzania

    Deogratias Barnabas Kilasara, Tanzania Dental Association, President, Tanzania

    Andrew Mgihilwa, Kinondoni Hospital, Doctor Of Dental Surgery, Tanzania

    Gemma Berege, Tanzania Dental Association, President elect, Tanzania

    Dr Sanjay Joshi, Indian Dental Association, Joint Secretary, India

    Miljana Petrovic Punosevac, Dentistry of Primary Health Care, President, Serbia

    Evaristo Daimone Saene, Desempregado, Mozambique

    Dr. Simant Lamichhane, Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences, Lecturer, Nepal

    Octávio de Carvalho Silva Rodrigues, APPSHO, Presidente, Portugal

    Oluwagbenga Asalu, The Beacon Health Initiative, President, Nigeria

    Filipa Serra, Unidade Saúde Pública do Médio Tejo, Dental Hygienist, Portugal

    Oumaïma, International Association of Dental Students IADS /// MOHAMMED VI University of Health Sciences
    Head of the Content Management Team within the Standing Committee on Science and Research /// 3rd year dental student, Morocco

    Silvia Sabry Tawfik Tadros, College of oral and dental surgery, Lecturer of conservative dentistry, Head of quality assurance unit, Egypt

    Dr Pragati Kaurani, Mahatma Gandhi Dental College and Hospital, Professor, India

    DR NEIL PANDÉ, Healthy Smiles Pvt. Ltd., Managing Director, Nepal

    Dr Bhuvaneshwari NG, Indian Cancer Society, Honorary dental surgeon, India

    Dr. Nahawand Thabet, FDI, Councilor, Egypt

    Huberth Araya Rodríguez, Caja Costarrinece del Seguro Social, Coordinador, Costa Rica

    Dr Jane E Boroky, St Peters Dental Clinic, Practice owner, Australia


    Deepa Gurunathan, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Associate Dean of Research, India

    Ankita, Smile studio, Dentist, India

    UBEDULLA B, Sidra social welfare & educational charitable trust (R), Secretary, India

    Jorge, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Alumno, Mexico

    Alexandre Poirier, Dental Docs, Dentist, Canada

    Amy Chichetti, Chichetti and Patel Dental Wellness, Director, United States

    Ralph Tayo, Healthpoint Hospital Quality Champion, Dental Assistant, United Arab Emirates

    Reda Benbrahim, R&M Inter, Director, Morocco

    Rajiv K. Chugh, President-elect, Indian Dental Association

    Elka Radeva, Vice President, Bulgarian Dental Association

    Deogratias Barnabas Kilasara, President, Tanzania Dental Association

    Tuvshinjargal Gansukh, President, Etugen Dental Students Association, Mongolia

    Vajira Jayasinghe, President, Sri Lanka Dental Association

    Ashok Dhoble, Hon. Secretary General, Indian Dental Association

    Samira Osailan, Vice President, SDD, Saudi Arabia

    Astrid Kamilla Stunes, TKMidt Oral Health Research, Researcher, Norway

    Steve Mulligan, School of Clinical Dentistry, The University of Sheffield Clinical Academic United Kingdom

    Dr Souvik Maiti, Indian Dental Association & American Dental Association & International Congress of oral implantologists life member of Indian dental association & international member of American dental association & international congress of oral implantologists India

    Andrew Cintury, Olive Dental Clinic, Sr Dental Consultant, India

    Jenny Girdler, HEE/Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, Leadership Fellow in Net Zero/Sustainability in Dentistry, United Kingdom

    Precious, Pandora Digital, Business Developer Specialist, South Africa

    Cathryn Carboon, Carevan Foundation, Board Director, Australia

    Astha Jathar, Government dental college, Nagpur, Intern, India

    Abdihamid Abdikadir, health innovative action, program coordinator, Somalia

    Sahithi Garapati, Kamineni institute of dental sciences, Postgraduate, India

    Ziad Aboras, Hurghada General Hospital, Dental Intern, Egypt

    Deepa Gurunathan, Saveetha Dental College and Hospital, Associate Dean of Research, India

    Ilhaam Abbas, Healthpoint hospital, Pediatric and Special Care Dentist, United Arab Emirates

    Dr Kelvin Chye Chuan Hee, Asia Pacific Dental Centres, CEO / Group Clinical Director, Singapore

    Aileen S. Padilla, A & I Surgeons Dental Center, Dentist, Philippines

    Hira Sukhera, Grove Street Dental Care, Dental Assistant, United States

    Leanne Birkett, Ghyllmount dental, Oral health educator and dental nurse, United Kingdom


    Bradley Abraham, Australian Dental Association SA Branch, Chief Executive Officer, Australia

    Akanbi Clement Oluwarotimi, Nigerian Dental Association, National Liaison Officer, Nigeria

    Neelash Krishna R, Indian Orthodontic Society, Life member, India

    Dr Dorothée MAA, COHPE, CEO & Founder, Cameroon

    Wanda Fedora, International Federation of Dental Hygienists, President, Canada

    Dr Eshan Verma BDS, ADC, Tooth Spectrum Pty Ltd., Director, Australia

    Qunoot Tariq, University of Limerick, Public Health Student, Pakistan

    Lfarakh farid, AMPBD, Président d honneur, Morocco

    Dr. Augustina Adowa Mensah, College of Health Kintampo, Dentist, Ghana

    Dr Y S Reddy, Ysr speciality dental clinic, Dental surgeon and practice owner, India

    Dr JUMANA NISNI, Monroe medical centre, Dental associate, United Arab Emirates

    Maha El Tantawi, Alexandria University, Vice Dean for Community Service & Environmental Development, Egypt

    JAMES ZENK, FDI - American Dental Association, Past SID Task force member of FDI, United States

    Isabelle Montano, Sesc Brasil - Sesc Rio, Dentist, Brazil

    Shweta Singh, Saraswati Dental College and Hospital, Associate Professor, India

    Ayoub Tobbal, SCFHS Chairman, Scientific Council for Public Health, Saudi Arabia

    Nisrine El arrouf, Mohamed 5 university of Rabat Morocco, Associate professor, Morocco

    Maria Cristina Bettencourt Neves, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Lisbon, Comission of Sustainability and Environment, Portugal

    Maha El Tantawi, Alexandria University, Professor and Vice Dean, Egypt

    Ukachi Nnawuihe, Intercounty Centre for Oral Health for Africa, Jos Consultant/ Principal Research Fellow, Nigeria

    Gaurav manna, Smile brite dental care, Dental surgeon, India

    Dr. Augustina Adowa Mensah, College of Health Kintampo, Dentist, Ghana

    Dr. Martin Weber, W+| Zahnmedizin + Oralchirurgie, Owner, Germany

    Dr Shiwali Sharma Kelkar, Complete Dental Care Centre, Head and Founder, India

    Dr.Dr. Hadjia Safiatou Sheikh Yasser Al Dosari, FDI, Dental Surgeon, United Kingdom

    Dr Taiwo Akinyera, Tiphrethod Dental Services, Chief Medical Director, Nigeria

    Stephanie Trahan, Trahan Pediatric Dental Group, CEO, United States

    Adily Adib Khan, AAKA Foundation, Founder & President, Bangladesh


    Sandra Victoria, Clínica Dobles & Tinoco, Director administrativo, Costa Rica

    Claudio Pinheiro Fernandes, Fluminense Federal University - UFF, Coordinator of Sustainability in Dentistry, Brazil

    Rashmi Luthra, Capital Dental Practice Manager, United Kingdom

    Dr Winfred Winfried Mgaya, The Aga Khan Hospital Services/Tanzania Oral Health Foundation, Dentist/Founder, Tanzania

    Barbara Artnik, Slovenian Denatal Association, Secretary-General, Slovenia

    Ricardo Henriques, Clinica Dentaria Ricardo Henriques lda, CEO, Portugal

    EDEN FERNANDO, E. N. Fernando Dental Clinic, Dentist/Proprietor, Philippines

    Eamon Croke, Irish Dental Association, President and Member of Quality and Patient Safety Committee of the Association, Ireland

    Rania Sayed Mosallam, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, Professor, Egypt

    Alberto Ramírez Solís, B&D Clínica Dental, Director, Mexico

    Jimtexy Christopher Kwaghgba, Jasmine Oral health International, Country director, Nigeria

    Jennifer Tete, Luster Smiles Africa, Volunteer Dentist, Ghana

    Georgia Seal, Alec Waugh & Associates Dental Practice, Practice Coordinator, United Kingdom

    Elena Alcalde, Sunstar, Global Public Relations Manager, Spain

    Dr Camilla George, DentArtWork Dental Care, Principal dentist and owner, United Kingdom

    Karl Walker-Finch, Smiles in Tandem, Principal Dentist, United Kingdom

    Sivan Padma Priya, RAK College of Dental Sciences, RAKMHSU, UAE, Assistant Professor, United Arab Emirates


    Dr.Sunil Muddaiah, Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Dean, India

    Dr BISWAJIT MAITY MD PHD International Gold Medalist, Dental care, Secretary, India

    Kamaldeep Singh, Dental Nurse, Dental nurse, India

    Braden Giswold, Saratoga Dental, President, United States

    Scott S Andersen, Artisan Dental, Co-owner, Director of Stakeholder Stewarship, United States

    Irene Hogan, Residential Dental Care, Dental Hygienist, United States

    Katie Baron, Axis, Dentist, United States

    VENUGOPAL M, HDFC LIFE, Financial analysis, India

    Komal Wadukle, GDC Nagpur, Student, India

    Alex Holdcroft, Ethoss Regeneration, Marketing Manager, United Kingdom

    Emily Roberts, Ethoss Regeneration, Marketing Executive, United Kingdom

    Tripti JugalKishor Agrawal, Accenture Healthcare service associate, India

    Khalil mounji, Fondation Mohammed VI des Sciences et de la Santé, Head of Communication, Morocco

    Arko Bandyopadhyay, Dental care, Dental practice owner, India

    Tiffany Goldwyn, Southwest Portland Dental, Dentist/owner, United States

    Lisa Mueller, St Albert Dental Centre, Registered Dental Assistant, Canada

    Chavalit Karnjanaopaswong, General secretary, The Dental Association of Thailand

    Khanyi Makwakwa, National Liaison Officer, South African Dental Association

    James Zenk, American Dental Association

    Huthaifa AbdulQader, International Association of Dental Students

    Dr Dharti Chopda, Research Officer, Indian Dental Association

    Nicolas Martin, School of Clinical Dentistry, The University of Sheffield Professor of Restorative Dentisty United Kingdom

    Nadeem Osman, Smilelab Dental Centre Centurion, Dentist, South Africa

    Nadeem Osman, Board Chairperson, South African Dental Association

    Gukhwan Jung, Director of foreign affairs, Korean Dental Association(KDA)

    Eddie Crouch, Chair, British Dental Association

    Catherine Waldron, Irish Dental Hygienists Association

    Dr Haider Rizwan, School of Dentistry, Szabmu , Islamabad

    Muhammad Naveed Akhter, Naveedesehat, Founder and CEO, Pakistan

    Dr Dany Daou, Lebanese Dental Association

    Saif Aslam Khan, SIOHS, House officer, Pakistan

    Aneeqa Aslam, Pakistan Association of Dental Students

    Elizabeth Chibuzo, Liz dental care, Manager, Nigeria


    PRADYUMNA WANKHEDE, Nair hospital dental college, Intern, India

    Ramprasad Vasthare Prabhakar, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, Professor and Head ,Public Health Dentistry, India


    Ashek Elahi Noor, Sapporo Dental College & Hospital, Assistant Professor, Bangladesh

    Anil Kumar Grover, Dr.Grover’s Dental Clinic Delhi North, Consultant, India

    Jasper Lee, Shepherds Hill Dental Centre, Dentist, Australia

    Prathibha Prasad, Ajman University, Assistant Professor, United Arab Emirates

    Imran Khan Mansuri, Govt Higher Secondary School Jawar, Chemistry Teacher, India

    Claire Fisher, NHS Tayside Public Dental Service, Senior Dental Nurse, United Kingdom

    Janet MacKinnon, East End Orthodontics, Partner, United Kingdom

    Dr.M.Ragu Ganesh, RAGU DENTAL CLINIC, Founder, CEO & Chief Dental Surgeon, India

    Alina, Dumitriu Sergiu - LTD SRL, Owner, Romania

    Alison, St Helens Dental Practice, Practice Manager, United Kingdom 

    Heidi Eusebio, Edelman, Executive Director, Germany

    Scott S Andersen, Artisan Dental, Co-owner, Director of Stakeholder Stewardship, United States


    Dr. Riefenstahl, Dr. Riefenstahl + Partner, CEO, Germany

    Miranda Steeples, British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, President, United Kingdom

    Claudio Pinheiro Fernandes, UFF, Coordenador of Sustainability, Brazil

    Mare Saag, Estonian Dental Association, Board member, Estonia

    Ilhaam Abbas, Healthpoint hospital, Pediatric and Special Care Dentist, United Arab Emirates

    Young Guk Park, Kyung Hee University System, Secretary General, South Korea

    Dr. Wakil M. Wikins, Wikims MaxFax Center, CEO, Afghanistan

    Dr. Roma Waseq, Wikims MaxFax Center, OMF Surgeon, Afghanistan

    Kavita Rijhwani, King's College London, Master Student, United Kingdom

    Jon Petter Evensen, Tann Estetikk AS, Leader, Norway

    Kabiru Adamu, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Dental Therapist, Nigeria

    Dr Bimal Yajnik, Dental clinic, Dentist, Kenya

    Dr. Susan Fulop, ODA-ESWG, Member, Canada

    Radaina Niaz, Khyber college of dentistry, Graduate, Pakistan

    Anne Walker, Health Education Improvement Wales, Dental Educator for Quality Improvement, United Kingdom

    Prof. Ilshat Yuldashev, Stomatological Assoc. of the Kyrgyz Republic, Vice-President, Kyrgyzstan


    Pam Clark, Cattani Australia, Manger, Australia

    Dr Nayanlata Saxena, RKDF Dental College and Research Centre, Bhopal, Postgraduate Student, India

    Nokukhanya, The South African Dental Association, NLO, South Africa

    Laurie Houston, CanHelp Through HealthCare, Founder, Canada

    Ingrid Barillas, Dental Specialists of New York P.C., President/ Orthodontist/ Owner, United States

    Ilhaam Abbas, Healthpoint hospital, Pediatric and Special Care Dentist, United Arab Emirates

    Irina Kuzmina, RDA, NLO, Russia

    ANGELA CARRILLO, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD JAVERIANA, coordinator of the postgraduate course in pediatric dentistry, Colombia

    Alberto Ramírez Solís, Colegio de C. D. DE Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Presidente, Mexico

    Mariana yajaira Rodríguez Araujo, ADM, Asociada, Mexico

    Cathryn Carboon, Dental Hygienists Association of Australia, Victorian State Chair, Australia

    Rosa Uriarte, Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas del sur de Tamaulipas, Socio, Mexico

    Berenice Greenwell Alemán, Consultorio Dental, Cirujano Dentista, Mexico

    Shaikha AlDukhail, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Assistant professor, Saudi Arabia

    José Miguel Carrasco Martínez, Servicio de salud, Consulta Dental a población sin cobertura médica, Mexico

    DUYGU ILHAN, FDI, Councillor, Turkey

    Fiona Ellwood, Society of British Dental Nurses, Executive Director, United Kingdom

    Carolina Ruiz Corrales, ASOCIACIÓN DENTAL MEXICANA, Presidenta de la filial Colegio de Cirujanos dentistas de Jalapa, A.C., Mexico

    CAROLINA RUIZ CORRALES, ASOCIACIÓN DENTAL MEXICANA, Presidenta de la filial Colegio de Cirujanos dentistas de Jalapa, A.C., Mexico

    Gerhard Konrad Seeberger, AIO Italian Dental Association, President, Italy

    Andréa Silvia Walter de Aguiar, Ceará Federal University, Professor, Brazil

    Dr.BISWAJIT MAITY, MD, PHD NaturoYoga, International Gold Medalist, Shree Vishwa Swasthya Ayush Wellness & Physio Society, Director General, India

    Ilhaam Abbaa, Healthpoint hospital- Mubadala Healthcare, Ped + Special Care Dentist, United Arab Emirates

    Dr. Anam Ahmed, University Dental College (UDC), Associate Professor, Bangladesh

    Dr. Fawaz Shamim Ahmad Siddiqui, Penang International Dental College, Deputy Dean (Academics & Student Experience), Malaysia

    André Brandão de Almeida, SOL - Serviço Odontopediátrico de Lisboa | Saúde Oral em Lisboa, Head, Portugal

    Brittany Cox, Dental Hygienist, RDH, United States

    Marinella Holzhausen Caldeira, University of São Paulo, Professor, Brazil

    Demeter Tamás, Semmelweis University, senior lecturer, dental specialist, Hungary

    Eleena, Noble dental care, Duty doctor, India

    Dr Ekta Meswani, Indian Dental Association, Associate director Business development and research, India

    Bapanaiah Penugonda, New York University College of Dentistry, Associate Professor/ Group Practice Director, United States

    Raquel Baroni de Carvalho, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil, Professor, Brazil

    Soham Shinde, Sinhgad Dental College & Hospital, Pune Intern, India

    Dixisset Oratione, Ecuador