How to apply for the World Dental Development Fund
Before applying, please read the funding criteria and selection process below.
Applications must be submitted via the FDI website using the official electronic application form.
Applications must be complete and include:
- comprehensive aims and objectives;
- specific planning;
- implementation and evaluation stages;
- detailed budget information;
- a team list indicating each member’s relevant experience.
The declaration of intent must be signed by the key contact person on behalf of the applicant organization.
Example of application:
Here is an example of an outstanding application that we invite you to model your own application after. The applicant has given us their permission to share their work.
Application model (PDF) Supporting Materials (PDF) Supporting Materials 2 (PDF)
Applications are welcome from both FDI members in good standing and non-member organizations.
Non-member applications can be submitted by organizations be they charitable, philantrophic or benevolent organizations, associations, educational institutions, governmental or local health authorities.
Applications from non-member organizations require an endorsement letter from an FDI Regular Member Association in the project's country. Projects from FDI Regular and Associate Members shall be given priority consideration. Upon grant selection, FDI will notify the member and verify endorsement.
Applications for projects to be implemented in a country other than that of the applicant will not be considered eligible. Organizations that wish to support the application of the implementing country, either financially, logistically, through expertise, or otherwise, must ensure the project is sustainable in the long term.
Applicants must have the financial capacity to ensure the financing of aspects of the project not covered by the grant and to provide the financial documentation requested from FDI.
One application per applicant is permitted in one application cycle. The number of applications per country is unlimited.
Project should be community-based and cover at least one of the following topics:
- oral health education;
- oral health promotion;
- oral disease prevention;
- oral healthcare delivery;
- oral health integration into primary healthcare.
Projects must benefit populations in low- or middle-income countries and/or disadvantaged populations.
Projects must relate to local, regional or national strategic health aims within the country and should be developed in consultation with local authorities and stakeholders.
Projects must be sustainable.
The grant must be used to cover direct costs of the project and will not cover the following:
- The payment of salaries, honoraria and/or the payment of commissions.
- Contributing towards the general running costs of the aid organization.
- Projects that have already been completed (retrospective funding).
- Debts incurred before payment of the grant.
- Charges for financial services, exchange losses and insurance.
Projects must be completed within one year after receipt of the funding.
Applications for the WDDF are accepted on a rolling basis. For consideration in the upcoming year, the deadline is 15 June. Applications submitted after this date will be considered for the following year.
Within the constraints of the available budget, three to five grants of CHF 10,000 each will be awarded annually.
Eligible applications undergo assessment by a review panel comprising three members of the FDI Public Health Committee. The review panel ulilizes scorecards with a structured set of evaluation criteria.
To maintain impartiality, review panel members are prohibited from evaluating and scoring applications from their own country. In such instances, only the scores from the remaining panel members are taken into account.
After the review panel scores the applications, the FDI Public Health Committee selects the winners in September. To promote inclusivity and fair distribution of the WDDF, priority is given to applications from countries that have not received the grant in the past two years.
The notification of winners and public announcement of winners is made in October following approval from FDI Council.
Before any funds are released, FDI and the applicant must execute a formal agreement.
The implementing organization is required to provide a comprehensive progress report no later than the end of July in the project implementation year. This report should detail project activities and achievements during the first half of the year.
Within two months of project completion, the implementing organization must submit the final financial and narrative reports using FDI templates.
Funds are disbursed in two installments: 50% at project commencement and the remaining 50% upon receipt of the progress reports by FDI.
The FDI head office coordinates the execution of agreements, facilitates funds disbursement, and collects reports.
Funding level
Each year, FDI supports three to five projects. Each project can receive a maximum of CHF 10,000.
Use the documents below and submit your application no later than 15 June for funding in the following year.
- General Terms and Conditions (PDF)
- Endorsement letter template (DOC)
- Budget Plan template (XLS)