CE programme
In Person

Achieving optimal canal shaping

Endodontic Scientific Day


Cairo, Egypt, Middle East


Emna Hidoussi

Associate Professor in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. Faculty of Dental Medicine

• Certificate in Medical Pedagogy

• Certificate in Dental Radiography.

• Certificate in Medical Emergency

• Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma

Associate editor: Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e clinica Integrad 


• International Journal of Dentistry 

• Indian Journal of conservative and Endodontics

• Journal of Dentistry and Oral Medicine


Egyptian Dental Association

Abstract :

The objective of root canal treatment is to effectively clean, disinfect, and seal the root canal system. Instrumentation techniques, including rotary and reciprocating systems, play a pivotal role in achieving efficient and safe canal shaping. These systems, combined with ultrasonic instruments, facilitate the removal of debris and smear layers, particularly in difficult-to-reach areas. Effective disinfection is further supported by the use of advanced irrigation protocols and antimicrobial solutions, ensuring the elimination of microorganisms and organic residues.
By combining accurate diagnosis, advanced imaging, meticulous instrumentation, and thorough disinfection, clinicians can optimize each step of the endodontic process. This conference highlights the essential strategies and tools necessary to achieve successful root canal treatment, ultimately improving patient outcomes and ensuring the longevity of endodontic therapy.

Learning objectives :

  • To describe modern canal shaping techniques
  • To Promote a comprehensive and precise approach to endodontic treatment
  • To Present advanced disinfection protocols.