Oral health and general health
Journal article
FDI African strategy for oral health: Addressing the specific needs of the continent
Published: June 2013
Patrick Hescot, Emile China, Denis Bourgeois, Susan Maina, Orlando Monteiro da Silva, Jean Luc Eisele, Christopher Simpson, Virginie Horn
FDI World Dental Federation has defined a strategy for the development of oral health in Africa during the 'African Summit' held in Cape Town, South Africa. The summit gathered presidents from 16 African FDI National Dental Associations, FDI stakeholders, the World Health Organisation and government delegates. The outcomes of this summit were stated in a Declaration, defining the functional principles of the African strategy as three priorities:
- To establish and reinforce the credibility of NDAs
- To acquire and develop leadership and management skills
- Effective peer-to-peer exchange of information