CE programme

Orthodontics prosthodontics

20th Scientific Congress of Bulgarian Dental Association


Burgas, Bulgaria, Europe


Tomasz Gedrange
  • Professor and Director of Department of Orthodontics, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
  • Study of dentistry at the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) Jena, Germany
  • Study of medicine at the Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
  • 2002: Education as tutor in PBL (Problem based learning), Harvard University education programme
  • 1993-1995: Assistant at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the FSU Jena, Germany
  • 2004-2011: Professor and Director of Department of Orthodontics, Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry Centre of Dentistry and Oral Health, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University, Greifswald, Germany
  • Since 2010: Professor in the department of dental surgery at Medical University of Wroclaw, Poland
  • 2013: Nomination from President Republic of Poland to Professor (the title of Presidential Professors)


Bulgarian Dental Association